9pcs Keychain Set Women's Self Defense Kit

10 Stealthy Self Defense Gadgets You Can Take Everywhere

Most self-defense gadgets are far too large and easy to notice to really be practical in your day-to-day life. The ideal self-defense gadget is small, stealthy, and quick to deploy. Thankfully, there are all kinds of stealthy self-defense tools you can buy right now to get yourself out of a sticky situation or potentially even save your life.

The best part is that your attacker won’t even know what hit them. From a cap that can actually break bones to the Buddhist prayer bead of doom, here are 10 stealthy self-defense gadgets you don’t want to miss. A second of this:

Number 10: Silver Leaf Knife Pendants

A necklace is something that many of us wear every day. Some necklaces have sentimental value, or maybe they’re just for style, but this necklace could potentially even save your life. The pendant on this necklace isn’t a pendant at all; it’s a cleverly hidden knife that you can immediately access whenever you’re in a troublesome situation. The knife is around 4 inches, which makes it large enough to be deadly but compact enough not to be a distraction or weigh much. It’s all held together with a 48-inch stainless steel chain, which is long enough for you to strike your attacker from a considerable distance. When you’re not using it, the knife can be folded up within less than a second to keep yourself safe. On top of that, it’s super fashionable.

Number 9: Hugo Self-Defense Keychain

The best kind of stealthy self-defense gadget is one that you can carry around wherever you go. A keychain certainly fits the bill, but regular keychains can’t really defend you. Well, feast your eyes upon the Hugo self-defense keychain. This is a gadget that looks absolutely harmless at first, but looks can be deceiving. It’s designed in a way that you can comfortably hold it between your fingers. The black body of the keychain is extremely strong and durable, and swinging it on an attacker could bust them open, crack some bones, or even give them a concussion. It can even be used as a wrist wrap to add a little bit more power to all of your punches. But the best way to use this gadget is by swinging it at an opponent.

Number 8: Go Guarded Ring

The main downside of pretty much every self-defense gadget is that you only have a few seconds to pull out your gadget and actually use it against your attacker. Those few seconds can potentially cost you your entire life. But with the Go Guarded Ring, you never have to worry about pulling out your weapon ever again. It’s always deployed. This is a ring that you wear on your finger just like a regular ring, but it has an incredibly sharp and durable knife at the top that could pierce through anything you throw at it. It can even bust holes into a wall, let alone a human being. The ring size is adjustable for any finger, and it comes in all sorts of different colors, so you can style it however you want.

Number 7: Strike Pen

The Strike Pen has the makings of a perfect self-defense gadget that prioritizes stealth. It’s extremely lightweight, weighing just about as much as a regular pen that you’d put in your front pocket. Although you can use this pen to write down notes, you can also do much more. It has a powerful tungsten steel glass breaker that you can use to break glass and skulls. It has an extremely strong LED flashlight that can be used to temporarily blind any attacker that’s standing in front of you. Additionally, this pen also has a knife that you can use to protect yourself and other useful features like a bottle opener, hex wrench, and flathead screwdriver. It’s useful in many ways and it can also protect you from danger.

Number 6: Sap Cap

When you think of a self-defense gadget that you can actually wear on your body, a cap is probably the last thing you think of. But the Sap Cap is going to change your perception forever. In terms of looks, this is just like any other cap; people won’t even think twice when they see you wearing it. However, in case someone ever attacks you, it’s the perfect easy-access weapon that you can use to protect yourself. You see, this cap actually has a powerfully dense layer of lead right at the very top. The lead is sewn in so no one can even see the layer. Smacking someone right across the head with this cap is sure to completely knock them out, and smacking them anywhere else with it is going to cause excruciating pain.

Number 5: The Self-Defense Siren

For some people, self-defense gadgets ideally shouldn’t cause anyone harm, even if it is the attacker. In some cases, the best self-defense technique is to make a clean escape or attract a lot of attention to the attacker. The Self-Defense Siren does just that. This is a police-recommended safety siren that is legal in almost every jurisdiction in the world. It’s extremely tiny, and in the middle of the device, there is a button that, when pressed, will let out a loud siren that can be heard by anyone in the area. It can even be heard by people outside of a building you’re in. It’s small enough to also act as a keychain or something you can hook to your purse’s zipper. It’s military-grade durable and can withstand all sorts of weather conditions.

Number 4: Zahal Hybrid Expandable Baton

Batons are used by police agencies all over the world, and there’s a reason for that—they work. The Zahal Hybrid is an expandable baton that, when closed, can even fit into your pocket. But when expanded, it can be a 21-inch stick of absolute doom. This baton is made out of extremely durable reinforced steel that can take a massive beating. It’s so durable that you could even run a truck over it and it would face no damage at all. That level of durability can give you an idea of just how powerful this thing can be when swinging at an opponent. The length of this baton makes it perfect for staying away from your opponent while also getting a few good hits in. It can break bones and do some serious damage without actually being lethal.

Number 3: Buddhist Mala Self-Defense Necklace

Prayer beads have been used by religions all around the world for thousands of years. They’re a great way to relax, not thinking about anything else in the world, and now they’re also great for kicking some serious ass. If you happen to be rudely interrupted by an attacker in the midst of your prayer, don’t worry because the Mala self-defense necklace is made out of hardened stainless steel beads that can break through glass walls and skulls. You can carry this thing around your neck like a necklace or hold it in your hands as actual prayer beads, as people do all around the world. It would certainly give your self-defense abilities a little more divine intervention.

Number 2: Monkey Fist

The Monkey Fist is certainly a self-defense tool that can fool anyone. It looks like nothing more than a bunch of rope tied together to the untrained eye, but what they don’t know is that this is one of the most powerful and durable materials you can ever use in a rope. The rope ball at the front can cause devastating damage to an attacker. It could even smash their bones, leave their faces disfigured, and so much more. If you ever find yourself stuck anywhere, this rope can also be disassembled and used as an actual rope. You could even use it to climb places or tie up an attacker after you successfully defend yourself. It’s useful in a lot more ways than one, and its compact size means you can carry it around wherever you go.

Number 1: Taser Strike Light

A flashlight is often used as a way to blind attackers if they ever stand in front of you. They can be a great self-defense tool, but the Taser Strike Light kicks it up a notch. This flashlight also incorporates a very powerful stun gun that can incapacitate an opponent within seconds of a touch. The flashlight itself is over 80 lumens, which is enough to make an attacker feel like they’ve just stared directly at the sun for about an hour. There’s also an arc warning feature that’ll give would-be intruders a little warning shot before the real damage begins. But aside from all that, this flashlight is made out of extremely durable materials, so just smacking an attacker over the head with this thing could probably knock them out as well.

Alright, which of these gadgets would be the most useful in your day-to-day life? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to like the video, subscribe to TechJoint, and we’ll see you in the next one.

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